Cloud10 partners with
its customers to provide a customized, simple and secure UC solution, specifically designed to help them enhance call handeling and workflow efficiency to help them increase their profitability, so they can reach their business goals
Cloud10/Messenger, has been serving the central New York business community, with customized business soltuions for over 30 years.
In 2018, Coud10/Messenger partnered with Wildix and has maintained it’s “Wilidx Gold Partner” status ever since. Cloud10/Messenger has transformed itself from a provider of the traditional, ‘legacy’ phone systems, to the secure, cloud-based, commuincations platform of Wildix. Rebranding in 2020, Messenger Commuincations became “Cloud10 / Messenger” as a means to better reflect their expertise and support of the cloud-based, Wildix, UC (Unified Communications) platform that businesses have come to rely on in the 21st century.